Antiche torri sotto il cielo ceruleo

La città è laggiù, in secondo piano, con le sue costruzioni di cemento e ferro e cristallo, è un ammasso indistinto di volumi, di pieni e di vuoti, luci e di ombre, organizzati e ordinata secondo piani regolatori di architetti famosi, ma è la natura che porta la vita, in questo caso i rami degli alberi rappresentano le arterie del cuore della città e gli alberi sono la vita e l’energia.

The reason I chose the title for this piece is determined by the moment. I was using the cerulean blue pigment and this gave me the idea for the title.

I created this piece right this year on first half of march.

My inspiration / motivation in creating this piece is the City life. The city is down there, in the background, with its buildings of concrete and iron and crystal, is a mass of indistinct volumes, solids and voids, light and shadow, organized and filed according to master plans of famous architects, but is nature that brings life, in this case the tree branches represent the arteries of the heart of the city and the trees are life and energy.

This painting is done with acrylics on a stoneware tile

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